
Modern Mom Probs : A Survival Guide for 21st Century Mothers | Tara Clark Modern Mom Style Box | MomCave LIVE | Funny Podcasts for Moms

2021-10-17 1 Dailymotion

LIVE with Modern Mom Prob's Tara Clark. She has a new book-- "Modern Mom Probs: A Survival Guide for 21st Century Mothers," is the spokesperson for The Blue Dot Project (maternal mental health) AND is launching The Modern Mom Style Box! There's wisdom and laughs in this one.

Get Modern Mom Probs Book Here ➡️ https://amzn.to/3FkFQtj (affiliate link)

You gotta try The Modern Mom Style Box try.modernmomstylebox.com/Jennifer632 (referral link)

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Here's a bit of a transcript. You can read the full interview at MomCaveTV.com:

Jen: Hey, welcome to MomCave Live, where we may have lost our minds, but we have not lost our sense of humor. Yes, I’m Jen and I’m here today with Tara Clark, who is ModernMomProbs. Hey!

Tara Clark: I love Jen. Thank you for having me. This is really exciting.

Jen: I’m excited to have you too, and we’re also live over on Instagram, which is like our behind-the-scenes cam. For those of you that don’t know who Tara Clark IS, she’s… she’s so many things. So let’s see, she’s like an icon of the parenting, humor genre. She’s written for all the places. Tara wrote a book called Modern Mom Probs: A Survival Guide for 21st Century Mothers.

She’s a spokesperson for The Blue Dot Project, which we may talk about in a little bit. And she just started a subscription fashion style box. It’s called the Modern Mom Style Box. Great. So many things, first of all, how do you do so many things?

Tara Clark: I don’t know. And you know, it’s funny, like.. Thank you for that introduction, because that was an incredible introduction. And uh, I don’t know actually how I do all the things. I’m also the PTA president at my son’s school and I don’t know how or why I do all, I don’t know.

Jen: I just accepted to be, not the PTA president, just the class parent rep for the second year in a row. And I was kind of like, “Oh, I’ll do it if no one else will step up….” Reluctantly.

Tara Clark: And that’s actually how I did it. At least in my case, becoming PTA president is no one else wants to do it. So I was like, “I’ll do it. I’ll serve as Tribute.” That’s always my thing. Like that’s my, I think just in life, I think that’s always just how things happen to me. I just do it. Everyone else takes a step back and I’m that one person standing up front and I’m like, “Yeah. Okay. I’ll do it. Sure.”

Read the whole thing at: https://www.momcavetv.com/modern-moms-modern-mom-probs-with-tara-clark/